We are available to help you

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You can send your inquiry to our support email at [email protected]

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Click here if you want to chat with one of our agent on messenger.

Call us

You can also call us on our +977 1-4435978 to discuss.

  • Can I see the demo before purchasing?

    Yes. You can register for a free account and start using our system as a trial. If you are satisfied, you can purchase any of our plan.

  • Why is our price so affordable?

    We used our platform to scale infrastructure. This is the main reason we can allow affordable pricing across shared platform.

  • Which payment gateway is supported for ecommerce websites?

    We offer PayPal & Stripe integration for Australia & other country. For Nepal, we have eSewa, Khalti & connectIPS integration.

  • Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

    We offer 30 days free refunds. If you are not happy within this time period, you will get a complete refund. Unfortunately, order can not be cancelled after this period.

  • How can I switch my subscription between essential, and premium plan

    You can upgrade or downgrade your plan at anytime. For downgrade, we offer credit for additional months instead of refund.

  • Is there an additional discount when paid annually?

    All our plans are annual charged. We are open to discuss based on your nature and size of business.

  • I have an issue with my account

    • If you are having any issues with your account, feel free to reach us at [email protected] or call on our number.
  • What happens if I don’t renew my license after one year?

    • If your plan is not renewed, your link to custom domain will stop working. Yet you can still use free subscription.
  • Do you offer custom website/software development services?

    • Yes. We develop tailored software & websites based on your requirement. Feel free to reach out to us for a free quote.

  • Is there any bandwidth limit on the website?

    • No. We offer unlimited bandwidth on all of our subscription plan which includes free plan as well.